Sharing Our Passion for Technology
& Continuous Learning
  • An ancient temple with a tree growing through it.

    Summer In Review 2021 - Amber

    Source Allies had many apprentices during Summer 2021! In this post, Amber will share their experience as a graphic design apprentice at Source Allies. Amber Swinehart This summer apprenticeship with Source Allies was my first graphic design position since I graduated from DMACC May 2021. I am endlessly grateful for...
  • An old home on a hill, engulfed in fog.

    Summer In Review 2021 - Tim

    Source Allies had many talented apprentices during the summer of 2021! In this post, Tim will share his experience working on our project teams. Tim Hornback This summer makes my second here at Source Allies. I continued my apprenticeship from last summer part-time through my junior year. During my second...
  • A blue bird perched upon an old clay roof.

    Summer In Review 2021 - Liz

    Source Allies had many apprentices during Summer 2021! They gained experience with test-driven development, pair programming, ci/cd, mobile development, and much more. Each apprentice had their own unique experience over the course of the summer, and gave a presentation in August to showcase their growth as developers, consultants, and people....
  • An old tile roof with moss and fungus.

    Summer In Review 2021 - Christian & Cutler

    Source Allies had many apprentices during Summer 2021! They gained experience with test-driven development, pair programming, ci/cd, mobile development, and much more. Each apprentice had their own unique experience over the course of the summer, and gave a presentation in August to showcase their growth as developers, consultants, and people....
  • Close up on a frog's eye showing the reflection of sky and trees.

    Remember to Dream

    One day this spring, I walked the dog and forgot my headphones. It was early April; muddy and cool. We generally go about three miles on trails by the creek near our home. The path was quiet, all I could hear was birdsong and water. As I began to daydream,...
  • A person seeking mastery, collaborating with their teammate on an open laptop

    Seeking Mastery

    From Warren Buffet to Kobe Bryant, it has been said the absolute best thing for you to do as a professional is to invest in yourself. For some, that is reading about or researching a specific topic to learn something new. The goal is to get the learning juices flowing...
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    Pro Tips for Onboarding a New Teammate

    Pro Tips for Onboarding a New Teammate Intro Last month’s blog post, Pro Tips for Joining a New Team, was from the perspective of the reader joining a team. But what if you’re a member of a team that is onboarding a new teammate? Look no further, we’ve got you...
  • a group of five people are gathered around a table with laptops, mobile devices, and pencils engaged in a lively discussion probably about software development

    The Community Taught Developer

    The Community Taught Developer I do not have a formal education in Computer Science, nor did I attend a Coding Boot Camp. In fact, I took my first job as an application developer with the understanding that I had ZERO experience and we would be doing the “sink or swim”...
  • An inviting desk space complete with a white coffee mug with the Source Allies logo on it, a plant, a stack of notebooks, and a pen.

    Pro Tips for joining a new team

    You’ll likely join a new team at some point in your career. For some, this can be an exciting opportunity. For others, joining a new team can bring nervousness and stress. During a lean-coffee style meeting at Source Allies, the small breakout group I joined wanted to get ideas and...
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    What makes a Great Teammate?*

    Seriously, I’m asking. I’m not writing this because I have the answer. I’m asking because I know there are qualities I appreciate in a teammate, but I’m only one person and my experience is different than yours. So, please, understand the asterisk applied to the title of this article. My...