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  • A bearded person wearing glasses writing code in light mode with other teammates in the background

    State Management Anti Patterns

    Angular State Management Anti-Patterns When looking at an Angular application, there are several powerful state management techniques available. There are built-in component bindings like the input and output bindings, services using RxJs and observables, and state management libraries like NgRx, Akita, MobX and NgXs. Well managed state can improve application performance...
  • two teammates pairing at a work station looking at code

    Case Study: e-Delivery Platform Development and Adoption

    We believe companies that invest in great technology products can achieve strategic competitive advantages within their market, regardless of industry or size. This can be especially true during COVID times, when companies are looking for ways to make it easier to connect with their customers. Accessibility and product ease can be one of the...
  • Piles of book

    Decluttering importance and how to do it

    I am glad you are here! Let's talk about decluttering. The straightforward explanation of Decluttering as per Google is getting rid of stuff you don't need or use anymore. For me it is a lot more than letting go of items. For me, it changed my perspective of looking at...
  • industrial worker looking at schematic plans on his phone in a factory setting

    Case Study: Delivering Mobile Solutions at Your Fingertips

    DEFINING THE PROBLEM Our global industrial automation manufacturer needed a platform that allowed sales representatives and third-party technicians to view customer product details from their mobile devices. Sales reps/technicians were used to having to travel back to their office in order to access availability, pricing, and item history. As you can imagine, this long...
  • shipping containers on a boat at night

    Dockerize Your Dev Environment: Part 2

    The previous post highlighted the struggle in having to maintain a development environment in our cross-platform, multi-language, cloud-native, microservices-oriented world. The operations side of many organizations have leaned on Docker to provide some sanity. Let’s look at how we can use containers on the dev side as well. The VS Code...
  • man jumping over shipping container

    Dockerize Your Dev Environment: Part 1

    The subject of this blog post is about Docker. Except, it's not really about Docker. It's about changing our mentality around our development environments. Specifically, about the way we haven't yet broken free of our old patterns in setting up our development machine. To borrow the adage, this post is...
  • Woman writing on notebook and looking at charts on cell phone

    Glue ETL Development with Dev Endpoint Notebooks

    In this post we will go through a simple tutorial for using Dev Endpoints and notebooks for Glue ETL development
  • An IDE showing Reactor code

    A Test-driven Intro to Java Reactor

    A test driven guide with a sample program for those new to Java Reactor
  • Two people discussing tests in front of a computer

    How My Team Uses Cypress for End-to-End Testing

    Take a look at how our team used Cypress to test an Angular project
  • A person working on some sweet tests on their computer

    Cypress for End-to-End Testing: An Overview of the Platform and Its Uses

    Today we will be looking at how Cypress allows us to write fast, easy, and reliable end-to-end tests