Sharing Our Passion for Technology
& Continuous Learning
  • Centralized Data

    Reference Data Without the Database

    The data model for most organizations is built on the back of some amount of slowly changing, mostly static “reference data”. For a retail organization this might be the list of Stores. For an equipment manufacturer, it could be the list of MachineTypes. In the healthcare space, this could be...
  • An image of a rollercoaster, representing the management of technology lifecycle

    Technology Lifecycle Management

    TLM Vision Source Allies partners with companies who want to adopt a long-term, strategic, methodology that aligns technology, services, and the management of the IT infrastructure to business objectives. Implementing a TLM process, beginning with a baseline of the current technology stack / Enterprise Architecture, leads to intentional cost savings and risk reduction...
  • cloud image to represent infrastructure as code and cloud development best practices

    Case Study: Leveraging Infrastructure as Code and DevOps Best Practices

    Source Allies saw an opportunity for our partner, a Fortune 500 agriscience company, to accelerate their digital transformation. In its current state, there were a dozen software development teams working on the same product who did not have confidence in the stability of their current cloud infrastructure and deployment environments....
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    Deploying AWS APIs with the Serverless Framework

    What's the quickest and easiest way to deploy a serverless API to AWS? If you're an absolute expert in configuring and managing AWS API Gateway, then maybe it's by writing cloudformation templates and deploying your code. However, if you're like me and often want to spin up APIs quickly to...
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    Case Study: e-Delivery Platform Development and Adoption

    We believe companies that invest in great technology products can achieve strategic competitive advantages within their market, regardless of industry or size. This can be especially true during COVID times, when companies are looking for ways to make it easier to connect with their customers. Accessibility and product ease can...
  • Colored pipes in an industrial setting

    Event Sourcing

    Software development teams are responsible for building a wide variety of software to solve a wide variety of problems. Many of these software development projects implement business flows that have defined activities completed by specific parties. An architecture that implements these flows by mixing validation logic with record updates becomes...
  • Teammates sitting together and looking at code

    Node Reference - Conclusion

    Prerequisites This article builds on the prior article: The “Join” Problem. Conclusion In this series, we walked the reader through the considerations of building a production-ready microservice. More important than the tools we used (e.x. NodeJS, AWS) were the questions we asked. You may choose different tools and libraries for...
  • Teammates sitting together and looking at code

    Node Reference - Change Events

    The “Join” Problem Modern applications no longer exist in a silo. They need to integrate with other systems within the organization. In a microservice architecture, this is even more valid since very few business processes can be completed by involving only one service. Let us suppose that our product service...
  • Teammates sitting together and looking at code

    Node Reference - Delete

    Prerequisites This article builds on the prior article: Node Reference - History. Deleting Humans make mistakes. Your users are humans, and sometimes they will create a product by mistake and will need to delete it. For that scenario, we need a DELETE REST endpoint. There are two main classes of...
  • Teammates sitting together and looking at code

    Node Reference - History

    Prerequisites This article builds on the prior article: Patch. Tracking History The way our service is currently built, all modifications (PATCH requests) happen in-place to records in DynamoDB. It is common in most production applications that someone will want to know the history of a record. A business user may...