Sharing Our Passion for Technology
& Continuous Learning
  • Example of mixed UI components

    Micro-Frontend Strategy

    One of the main advantages of choosing a micro-service architecture for the services that back a company’s web application is to allow multiple teams to independently own components of the system. These components can choose different tech stacks, architecture choices, and deploy features and updates on different schedules. When it...
  • Photo of 2 individuals performing a user experience analysis pointing at a computer screen

    How User Experience Analysis Improves Delivery

    Do you remember the first time a feature in an application surprised you? Have you ever thought, “Wow, that’s actually making my life easier?” I remember the first time I clicked on a phone number while browsing a website on a mobile phone and it opened the dialer. “All I...
  • A close-up of a portion of a computer keyboard, centered on the tab key.

    Accessibility of Digital Products

    Summary: Why should we bake accessibility into the digital products we build? It’s the right thing to do Provides a better user experience for EVERYBODY, disability or not Increases mobile usability Improves a site’s SEO ranking Protects our partners from litigation It’s the direction the world is headed Back in...
  • mobile development in manufacturing

    Case Study: Leveraging APIs to Build a Mobile App for the Manufacturing Segment

    One of our partners, a large manufacturing company, identified a need to create a mobile application that would be utilized by their internal sales and support staff. They turned to Source Allies to build this mobile application for them not only to solve a pain point they were having but...
  • Taipei 101: an entrancing skyscraper standing above the rest

    Consulting 101 Part 3: Partner Dynamics

    Recently Akrem and Erick presented Consulting 101, an annual presentation delivered at a Source Allies University event. We are publishing a three-part blog series that is a distillation of that presentation; Agile Crash Course, Team Dynamics, and Partner Dynamics. Part 3: Partner Dynamics When we work with our partners, our...
  • Taipei 101: an entrancing skyscraper standing above the rest

    Consulting 101 Part 2: Team Dynamics

    Recently Akrem and Erick presented Consulting 101, an annual presentation delivered at a Source Allies University event. We are publishing a three-part blog series that is a distillation of that presentation; Agile Crash Course, Team Dynamics, and Partner Dynamics. Part 2: Team Dynamics Successful teams are the ones that understand,...
  • Taipei 101: an entrancing skyscraper standing above the rest

    Consulting 101 Part 1: Agile Crash Course

    Recently Akrem and Erick presented Consulting 101, an annual presentation delivered at a Source Allies University event. We are publishing a three-part blog series that is a distillation of that presentation; Agile Crash Course, Team Dynamics, and Partner Dynamics. Motivation Here at Source Allies, we want to set our teams...
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    Vim in Twelve More Keys

    Vim in Twelve More Keys This is part 2 in a series on vim. I recommend you read the first part here. Last time we covered how to get work done in vim. If you used the tips from last time, you’re probably already faster than you were with your...
  • Light bulbs with the text Plan Solution Idea

    Case Study: Financial Services Cloud Native Data Lake

    A Fortune 500 financial services partner wanted to transform their future actuarial community, re-engineer and automate manual workflows, and modernize technology tools to gain a competitive position in the market. We began with a customer-focused approach. Because the end-users consisted of the actuarial community and resident data scientists, we first...
  • cloud image to represent infrastructure as code and cloud development best practices

    Case Study: Leveraging Infrastructure as Code and DevOps Best Practices

    Source Allies saw an opportunity for our partner, a Fortune 500 agriscience company, to accelerate their digital transformation. In its current state, there were a dozen software development teams working on the same product who did not have confidence in the stability of their current cloud infrastructure and deployment environments....