Sharing Our Passion for Technology
& Continuous Learning
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    Test Driven Groovy: StubFor

    After years of being immersed in Java development, I must admit that I got spoiled by its strong and mature ecosystem. Hence, whenever I want to pick up a new technology or programming language the following must be there: Support by my favorite IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA) Mature building...
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    Updated TDD Mantra

    If you have ever practiced test driven development (TDD), then you are probably familiar with the TDD mantra – red, green, refactor. I’m a big proponent of TDD, but I think the TDD mantra is missing a fourth step. In his book that introduced me to TDD, Test Driven Development:...
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    Acceptance Testing presentation at Iowa Code Camp

    I had the opportunity to present at the eleventh Iowa Code Camp on June 8, 2013.  The title of my presentation was “Easy Acceptance Testing.” The purpose of the presentation was to discuss an acceptance testing framework that Source Allies, Inc. developed for a partner while working on a large...
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    Beanoh.NET: Spend Less Time Verifying Spring.NET contexts

    I Love Dependency Injection But .... I've burned myself so many times with dependency injection in the past. It make me nervous when I see a complex software product comprised of multiple projects and dozens of libraries without any comprehensive test that double checks the wiring. As our wiring grows...
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    Automated Testing Strategy for Legacy Systems

    Once you catch the automated testing itch you want to write test for everything. But should we use the same strategy for every piece of software? The conclusion that I’ve come to is no. While I’m completely committed to the practice of TDD and aggressive test coverage, I’ve found that...
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    Testing Spring Wiring

    Overview Spring is an essential part of my technology stack. I can’t imagine providing quality software that doesn’t leverage an IoC container. However, decoupling components requires some amount of configuration. Whether this is accomplished through annotations or XML, it’s fairly easy to mess up. Fixing these missing or incorrect configurations...
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    Mock Me With Fewer Words

    With Mockito 1.8.3 or higher you can significantly reduce your test code setup. Here is the code before. public class MockitoTest { private EmailFactory emailFactory; private Notifier notifier; private Emailer emailer; private Email email; @Before public void setUp(){ notifier = new Notifier(); emailFactory = mock(EmailFactory.class); emailer = mock(Emailer.class); email =...
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    Selenium IDE - Part II

    In Part I we covered Setting Up Recording Tests Playing Back Tests Saving Test Cases Resuming Recording Saving Test Suites All examples will use the sample site Store Value There are two ways to store values. First, you can define custom variables Second you can use the drop-down 'storeText'...
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    Selenium IDE - Part I

    Selenium IDE is a free Firefox plugin that leverages javascript to record automated test scripts. In this first tutorial we will install Selenium IDE and create a basic test script. The next tutorial will cover more advanced topics. I primarily use Selenium IDE in three areas: Defect - I ask...
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    Transactions Our Invisible Allies

    Transactions are an essential component in enterprise software development. When your application works properly you rarely think about transactions. However, when things go wrong debugging transactions can be quite challenging. Instead of being reactive we need to proactively test our transactions. When I first got into the software industry I...