Sharing Our Passion for Technology
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While searching through quotes to include in our company newsletter, I came across this:

“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it,

for that determines our success or failure”

Read that again…

“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it,

for that determines our success or failure

The mind is a very powerful thing. For example, I don’t believe I’m the only one to experience being in a store next to a visibly sick individual and after they sneeze I start to feel like I’m getting sick. It’s impossible to get sick that quickly but my mind starts thinking of the possibility of catching the virus this stranger had… and how I have so many plans, I can’t be sick… what am I going to do… and instantly I start to think that I’m sick. The mind has the ability to quickly convince us something is happening that isn’t!

The thoughts in your head, positive or negative, directly affect your attitude. Your attitude directly affects how others react to you. Those closest to you, your family and your co-workers, are able to tell what type of thoughts are going through your mind by a simple look at your face and they react accordingly.

So what is my point? Take a self inventory! Are most of the thoughts that go through your mind positive or negative? The situations that you face on a daily basis are NOT as important as how you decide to handle them. When a difficult situation arises and you start to see it in a negative light, remind your self…


“Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it,

for that determines our success or failure”

-Norman Vincent Peale


Think positively… Aim for success!

You may be amazed at the outcome when you do!

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